Biology A Semester Exam

Why are inferences a vital part of the scientific process? (1 point)

they are conclusions based on facts

they are facts and patterns that are studied

they are foundations for hypotheses

they are the data that supports a claim

Which option best describes a scientific consensus? (1 point)

an observation made by a scientist that is supported by experimentation and investigation

a general agreement among many a few scientists that is supported by a experimentation and investigation

an observation made by a scientist that is supported by evidence and reasoning

Nucleotides contain sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base. Which of the following is a nitrogen base? ( 1 point)





Identify the answer choice that correctly list the chemical groups found in all 20 amino acids.(1 point)

5 and 6

1 and 3

2 and 3

2 and 4

Identify the statement below that is true about chemical reactions ( 1 point)

Exothermic reactions have products with more energy compared to the reactants

Endothermic reactions tend to increase the temperature of their surroundings

Exothermic reactions do not require activation energy in order to get started

Exothermic reactions tend to release heat energy to the surrounding environment

How is lock and key used to describe the action of enzymes? (1 point)

Enzymes are able to create gaps in cell walls that allow reactants to enter cells

Enzymes have shape that specifically fits the products like a key in a lock

Enzymes are able to create gaps in cell walls that allow products to leave cells

Enzymes have shape that specifically fits the reactants like a key in a lock.

Why are inferences a vital part of the scientific process?

Because scientists like to jump to conclusions!

Which option best describes a scientific consensus?
It's when a few scientists manage to agree on something and then have a party to celebrate!

Nucleotides contain sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen base. Which of the following is a nitrogen base?
It's not tyrosine, that's for laundry stains. I think it's guanine. It sounds like a fancy spa treatment for your DNA.

Identify the answer choice that correctly list the chemical groups found in all 20 amino acids.
Well, 5 and 6 are not chemically linked to any amino acids, so they're out. Maybe it's 1 and 3? They sound like a fun duo!

Identify the statement below that is true about chemical reactions.
Exothermic reactions are like little heaters, they release heat energy to the surrounding environment. Keep yourself warm with some chemistry!

How is lock and key used to describe the action of enzymes?
Enzymes have a shape that's like a fancy key that can open up reactions. It's like they're the lock to a secret biochemical doorway!

The answer to the first question is: they are foundations for hypotheses.

The answer to the second question is: a general agreement among many a few scientists that is supported by experimentation and investigation.

The answer to the third question is: guanine.

The answer to the fourth question is: 2 and 3.

The answer to the fifth question is: Exothermic reactions tend to release heat energy to the surrounding environment.

The answer to the last question is: Enzymes have shape that specifically fits the products like a key in a lock.

Why are inferences a vital part of the scientific process?

The correct answer is: they are foundations for hypotheses.

Inferences are logical conclusions or interpretations that are made based on observations or evidence. In the scientific process, inferences are important because they provide the foundation for developing hypotheses. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation or prediction that can be tested through further observation and experimentation. Inferences help scientists make connections, draw conclusions, and develop hypotheses that can be investigated and tested.

To answer this question, it is important to understand the definition of inferences and their role in the scientific process. Inferences are not just conclusions based on facts or patterns, but rather they are the logical deductions made based on evidence and observations. They contribute to the formulation of hypotheses, which are essential for further scientific investigation.