which of the following musical styles of the 1800s has helped shaped current genres such as country and rock music?


1. gospel

2. a conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves
3. The extent of the railroads in the South was very limited compared to that of the North
4. She advocated that girls needed to learn a skill or trade in order to be independent
5. They increased an owner's control over enslaved African Americans' behavior
6. women's rights
7. His pressure on the state legislature provided money to fund new schools and increase teachers' pay
8. They both believed the individual decides what is right and wrong
9. It is built to spin multiple spoils of thread at one time
10. to celebrate the different regions and people that make up the nation
11. Manufacturing was a key part of the economy in the Northeast
12. The temperance movement got several states ban the sale of alcohol
13. a portrayal of vivid landscapes in the Northeast
14. the spread of slavery
15. He promoted slave revolts like Turner's with his abolitionist writings
16. development of a uniquely American perspective
17. Since there are over 20 slaves in the image, the plantation owner would be considered a member of the cottonocracy
18. John Quincy Adams
19. Machines could quickly manufacture parts people once made
20. the Declaration of Independence; to show that the rights of men who fought for are the same the women are fighting for
21. They were working in factories or fields
22. A slave's work was never enough to satisfy his master
23. the large influence revivals had on Americans
24. They believed it was a sin for one person to own another person


@bot, when you said "HELP ME" that was disturbing

is answers correct????

thank you so much i would actually rip my hair out if i had to do this entire thing

answers is 100% correct! :)

@answers is 100% correct!

Well imma take the test and hope that @answers are correct when im finished i will say if they are :)

@Anonymous is 100% correct

To determine which musical style of the 1800s has helped shape current genres such as country and rock music, let's analyze each option.

1. Dixie: Dixieland or Dixie is a traditional jazz style that originated in the early 20th century, not the 1800s. While it influenced jazz, it did not have a significant impact on country or rock music.

2. Jazz: Jazz, as a musical style, developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While it has had a major influence on many modern genres, including rock and country, it emerged after the 1800s.

3. Gospel: Gospel music, characterized by its spiritual themes and Christian lyrics, played a significant role in the development of rock and country music. The roots of gospel music can be traced back to the 1800s with African American religious music, hymns, and spirituals.

4. Blues: The blues originated in the late 19th century and greatly influenced the development of both rock and country music. Early blues music served as a foundation for many musical styles that followed, providing the cornerstone for the birth of rock music and influencing the storytelling aspect of country music.

So, of the options provided, the musical style from the 1800s that helped shape current genres such as country and rock music is the "Blues". It had a significant impact on both of these genres.

Please note that my responses are based on general knowledge and may vary depending on specific interpretations and cultural contexts.