Who is this product advertised for? Sesame Street TV Show

Select one:

a. Childern

b. Young Adults

c. Senior Adults

d. Middle-Agers

e. Teens

Who is this product advertised for? Clearasil

a. Children

b. Senior Adults

c. Young Adults

d. Teens

e. Middle-Agers

To determine the target audience of a product, we can usually look at the advertisement and the product itself. In the case of the Sesame Street TV Show, it is primarily advertised for children. Sesame Street is a popular educational children's television show that aims to entertain and teach young kids.

To determine the target audience of Clearasil, it is a bit more specific. Clearasil is a brand that produces skincare products, particularly focused on treating acne. Their advertisements and product packaging often feature teenagers and young adults. Therefore, the answer would be d. Teens.

By examining the advertisements, promotional materials, and the product itself, we can usually get an idea of who the target audience is. It is important for businesses to identify their target audience accurately to communicate their message effectively and reach the right customers.