The Golden Rule of Netiquette is:

Select one:

a. Remember the Human
b. Never flame a friend
c. A smiley in every message
d. Follow all the other rules of Netiquette

The correct answer is a. Remember the Human.

To determine the Golden Rule of Netiquette, we can first understand that "Netiquette" is a term derived from the words "internet" and "etiquette." Netiquette refers to the set of guidelines and rules for good online behavior.

To find the Golden Rule of Netiquette, we can perform a search using a search engine such as Google. We can use keywords like "Golden Rule of Netiquette" or "Netiquette rules." The search results will provide various sources discussing Netiquette and its principles.

One of the search results may be a list of Netiquette rules or principles. By reviewing these rules, we can identify the Golden Rule of Netiquette.

In this case, the Golden Rule of Netiquette is "Remember the Human." This principle emphasizes the importance of treating others online with respect, empathy, and recognizing that there is a real person behind every screen.

Therefore, the correct answer is a. Remember the Human.