Prince Al Gebra was born in December of 63 BC and died in May of 22 AD. How old was he when he died?

Prince Al Gebra was 85 years old when he died.

How do you solve it

To determine Prince Al Gebra's age when he died, we need to subtract his birth year from his death year.

Step 1: Let's find the duration in years from 63 BC to 22 AD:
63 BC to 1 BC = 62 years (excluding the year 0)
1 AD to 22 AD = 21 years
Adding both periods: 62 years + 21 years = 83 years

Step 2: Prince Al Gebra was born in 63 BC, so he lived for 83 years after his birth.

Therefore, Prince Al Gebra was 83 years old when he died.

To calculate the age of Prince Al Gebra when he died, we need to subtract the year of his birth from the year of his death. However, we should take into account the BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini) designations.

First, let's convert the BC years to negative numbers. Assuming that there is no year 0 between 1 BC and 1 AD, we can subtract 1 from the BC years to make calculations easier. Therefore, December of 63 BC becomes -63, and May of 22 AD remains as 22.

To determine the age, we subtract the year of birth (-63) from the year of death (22):

Age = Year of death - Year of birth

Age = 22 - (-63)
Age = 22 + 63
Age = 85 years

Prince Al Gebra was 85 years old when he died.