Which describes the Trail of Tears? Select all that apply.

A. It describes the removal of 15,000 Cherokee from Georgia lands.
B. It provided a way for slaves to escape to maroon camps on Seminole land.
C. It removed the last of the American Indians from the state of Georgia.
D. It describes the split of the Creek nation into the Upper and Lower Creek.

To determine which options describe the Trail of Tears, we will analyze each option:

A. It describes the removal of 15,000 Cherokee from Georgia lands:
This option accurately describes the Trail of Tears. In the 1830s, the United States government forcibly removed approximately 15,000 Cherokee people from their ancestral lands in Georgia and relocated them to Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). This forced removal is commonly known as the Trail of Tears.

B. It provided a way for slaves to escape to maroon camps on Seminole land:
This option does not describe the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears specifically refers to the removal of Cherokee people and not the escape of slaves to maroon camps on Seminole land. Slavery and maroon camps were separate historical phenomena.

C. It removed the last of the American Indians from the state of Georgia:
This option does not describe the Trail of Tears accurately. While the Trail of Tears did involve the removal of Cherokee people from Georgia, it did not remove all American Indians from the state. There were other Native American tribes and communities present in Georgia at the time, and not all of them were forcibly relocated.

D. It describes the split of the Creek nation into the Upper and Lower Creek:
This option is not accurate in describing the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears primarily involved the Cherokee Nation's forced removal, not the split of the Creek Nation into Upper and Lower Creek. These two events are distinct moments in Native American history.

Therefore, the options that accurately describe the Trail of Tears are A. It describes the removal of 15,000 Cherokee from Georgia lands.