The income of Anne's family in 2008 is $65000. From 2008 to 2011, the income of Anne's family increased by 20% per year. What's the total amount of income of Annie's family from 2008 to 2011? Round your answer to the nearest whole number

The total amount of income of Annie's family from 2008 to 2011 is $91200.

To find the total income of Anne's family from 2008 to 2011, we need to calculate the income for each year and then sum them up.

In 2009, the income increased by 20%, so the new income is:
$65000 + ($65000 * 0.20) = $65000 + $13000 = $78000

In 2010, the income increased by 20% again, so the new income is:
$78000 + ($78000 * 0.20) = $78000 + $15600 = $93600

In 2011, the income increased by 20% once more, so the new income is:
$93600 + ($93600 * 0.20) = $93600 + $18720 = $112320

Now let's sum up the incomes for each year:
$65000 + $78000 + $93600 + $112320 = $347920

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the total income of Anne's family from 2008 to 2011 is $347,920.