Which reason explains why many oral stories were rhythmic or sing-songy?

• so that listeners could remember and retell them
• to make them more believable
• so that they were entertaining to a wide audience
• to make them more interesting to children

so that listeners could remember and retell them

The reason why many oral stories were rhythmic or sing-songy is so that listeners could remember and retell them.

The reason that many oral stories were rhythmic or sing-songy is so that listeners could remember and retell them. This is because when a story has a rhythmic or sing-songy quality, it becomes easier to remember and recall the various elements of the story, such as the plot, characters, and important details. In traditional oral storytelling, there were typically no written scripts or texts to refer to, so it was crucial for listeners to be able to remember and pass on the stories accurately. By incorporating rhythm and melody into the stories, it created a kind of mnemonics or mental cues that aided in the memorization process. Therefore, the main reason for making oral stories rhythmic or sing-songy was to enhance their preservation and transmission from one generation to another.