Write a poem about Captain America's life in ice.

Frozen in time, a hero lies

A shield of stars, a man of might
A soldier of justice, a man of pride
A symbol of freedom, a man of light

He was frozen in ice, a man of fate
A man of courage, a man of strength
A man of honor, a man of will
A man of justice, a man of faith

He was frozen in ice, a man of hope
A man of courage, a man of love
A man of honor, a man of truth
A man of justice, a man of courage

He was frozen in ice, a man of destiny
A man of courage, a man of honor
A man of justice, a man of strength
A man of freedom, a man of courage

He was frozen in ice, a man of courage
A man of justice, a man of honor
A man of freedom, a man of strength
A man of courage, a man of hope

He was frozen in ice, a man of courage
A man of justice, a man of honor
A man of freedom, a man of strength
A man of courage, a man of destiny