Which of the following statements was true of the Progressive Era?

The government retracted important democratic reforms.

The government took a more active role in regulating business.

The government embraced a laissez-faire attitude toward private life.

The government actively sought to end racial discrimination and violence.

B. The government took a more active role in regulating business.

To determine which statement was true of the Progressive Era, we need to understand what the Progressive Era was and what actions the government took during that time.

The Progressive Era refers to a period in American history from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, characterized by social and political reforms. This era aimed to address various social and economic problems, including political corruption, monopolies, and societal inequality.

To find the correct answer, we should evaluate each statement:

A. The government retracted important democratic reforms.
This statement suggests that the government reversed or removed democratic reforms during the Progressive Era. However, it is important to note that the Progressive Era was marked by an increase in democratic reforms rather than their retraction. Therefore, this statement is not true.

B. The government took a more active role in regulating business.
This statement implies that the government became more involved in regulating businesses during the Progressive Era. The Progressives advocated for the regulation and control of industries to combat unfair business practices and monopolies. They believed that government intervention was necessary to protect consumers and ensure fair competition. Therefore, this statement is true.

C. The government embraced a laissez-faire attitude toward private life.
Laissez-faire refers to a policy of minimal government intervention in economic and private affairs, allowing individuals and businesses to operate freely. However, during the Progressive Era, the government actively intervened in private affairs by implementing various social and economic reforms. Therefore, this statement is not true.

D. The government actively sought to end racial discrimination and violence.
Racial discrimination and violence were significant social issues during the Progressive Era. While some Progressives did advocate for racial equality, the government's actions varied. There were efforts being made to address racial discrimination and violence, but it cannot be said that the government actively sought to end them uniformly at that time. Therefore, this statement is not entirely true.

Based on our evaluation, the statement that is true of the Progressive Era is:

B. The government took a more active role in regulating business.

The true statement about the Progressive Era is:

B. The government took a more active role in regulating business.