Write the next scene, about the new meteorite exhibit in Rock Creek. Be true to the character and style of the play.

The lights dim as the audience takes their seats. The stage is set with a large rock in the center, surrounded by a few smaller rocks. A spotlight shines down on the rock, illuminating it in a bright white light.

The narrator steps onto the stage and begins to speak.

"Welcome to the new meteorite exhibit at Rock Creek! We are here to explore the mysteries of the universe and the secrets of the stars. Today, we will be taking a closer look at this amazing rock, which was recently discovered in the depths of space.

Let's start by examining the composition of the rock. It is made up of a variety of minerals, including iron, nickel, and silicate. It is also rich in rare elements, such as gold and platinum.

Now, let's take a look at the age of the rock. Scientists estimate that it is around 4.5 billion years old, making it one of the oldest objects in the universe.

Finally, let's explore the origin of the rock. It is believed to have come from a distant star system, and may have been part of a larger meteorite that broke apart in the atmosphere.

So, as you can see, this rock is truly a remarkable find. We hope you enjoy learning about it as much as we have!"

The audience applauds as the narrator steps off the stage. The spotlight fades, and the lights come back up. The audience is left in awe of the mysterious rock, and the secrets it holds.