The sum of squares is 120 for the total with a within sum of squares of 40. The between sum of squares is ?

The between sum of squares is 80.

To find the between sum of squares, we need to use the formula:

Between Sum of Squares = Total Sum of Squares - Within Sum of Squares

In this case, the total sum of squares is given as 120 and the within sum of squares is given as 40. Using the formula, we can calculate the between sum of squares:

Between Sum of Squares = 120 - 40 = 80

Therefore, the between sum of squares is 80.

To find the between sum of squares, first we need to find the total sum of squares (SST).

The total sum of squares (SST) is given by the formula: SST = SSB + SSW, where SSB is the between sum of squares and SSW is the within sum of squares.

In this case, we are given that SST = 120 and SSW = 40.

Thus, we can rearrange the formula to find the between sum of squares (SSB):

= 120 - 40
= 80

Therefore, the between sum of squares is 80.