The relationship between weight and age was found to have a linear relationship with expression weight= 3.0 (age) +10. Predict the weight of a girl whose age is 20 years?

The weight of a girl whose age is 20 years would be 70.0 (3.0 x 20 + 10).

To predict the weight of a girl whose age is 20 years, we can use the linear equation weight = 3.0(age) + 10. Plug in the value of age (20) into the equation:

Weight = 3.0(20) + 10
Weight = 60 + 10
Weight = 70

Therefore, the weight of the girl whose age is 20 years is predicted to be 70.

To predict the weight of a girl whose age is 20 years using the given linear relationship, you can use the equation weight = 3.0(age) + 10.

Substitute the age value (20 years) into the equation:

weight = 3.0(20) + 10

Simplify the equation:

weight = 60 + 10

weight = 70

Therefore, the predicted weight of a girl whose age is 20 years is 70.