____________supervision means that you keep children in your ciwe at all times when they arnin or near the water?

Close supervision means that you keep children in your sight at all times when they are in or near the water.

I believe there may be a typographical error in your question. However, if you are asking about "supervision," it refers to the act of closely watching, monitoring, and taking responsibility for the actions and well-being of children. In the context of being in or near water, supervision implies keeping constant watch over children to ensure their safety.

To provide supervision around water, especially for children, it is important to follow some guidelines:

1. Stay in close proximity: Keep yourself within arm's reach of young children while they are in or near water. This ensures you can immediately provide support or intervene if needed.

2. Avoid distractions: Avoid distractions like using electronic devices, reading books, or engaging in conversations that may divert your attention away from the children. Remain focused on their activities and surroundings.

3. Learn to swim: It is beneficial if you, as a caregiver, have taken swimming lessons or have good swimming skills. This will enable you to respond quickly in emergencies and may increase your confidence in ensuring water safety.

4. Teach water safety rules: Educate children about water safety rules such as not running near pool areas, always swimming with a buddy, and listening to instructions from responsible adults.

5. Use appropriate safety measures: Depending on the water environment, consider using safety measures like life jackets, pool fences, or alarms to enhance safety levels.

It's crucial to note that ensuring proper supervision is vital to preventing water-related accidents or drowning incidents.

Yes, supervision means that you keep children in your sight at all times when they are in or near the water.