The table compares four recycling plants. Complete the table with equivalent ratios of green bottles to the total number of bottles recycled by each plant in a day.

Plant A | Plant B | Plant C | Plant D

Green Bottles | 2:7 | 3:10 | 4:13 | 5:16

No answer would have been possible since no data was given

Canned answer was pulled out of a hat

To complete the table, we need to calculate the equivalent ratios of green bottles to the total number of bottles recycled by each plant. However, since you haven't provided the data for the number of green bottles recycled by each plant, I am unable to give you the specific ratios.

To calculate the equivalent ratios, we would divide the number of green bottles recycled by each plant by the total number of bottles recycled by that plant in a day.

Once you provide the data for the number of green bottles recycled by each plant, I can assist you further in calculating the equivalent ratios.

To complete the table with equivalent ratios of green bottles to the total number of bottles recycled by each plant in a day, you need to calculate the ratio for each plant. The ratio is calculated by dividing the number of green bottles by the total number of bottles recycled by each plant.

Here's an example of how to calculate the ratio for one of the plants:

1. Identify the number of green bottles recycled by the plant:
Let's say Plant A recycles 25 green bottles in a day.

2. Identify the total number of bottles recycled by the plant:
For example, let's say Plant A recycles a total of 100 bottles in a day.

3. Calculate the ratio:
Divide the number of green bottles by the total number of bottles:
Green bottles / Total bottles = 25 / 100 = 1/4

So, the ratio of green bottles to the total number of bottles recycled by Plant A in a day is 1:4.

Repeat this process for each of the remaining plants and complete the table by filling in the equivalent ratios.

Here's an example of what the completed table might look like:

| Plant | Green Bottles | Total Bottles | Ratio |
| A | 25 | 100 | 1:4 |
| B | 40 | 120 | 2:6 |
| C | 60 | 180 | 3:9 |
| D | 35 | 140 | 7:28 |

Remember to substitute the actual numbers for green bottles and total bottles recycled by each plant in the table.