What are the lyrics to the song copy cat by Billie Eilish

Verse 1:

You got that same look in your eye
You got that same white lie
You got that same face, but you don't look the same
You got that same game, but you don't play the same

You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat

Verse 2:
You got that same style, but you don't dress the same
You got that same smile, but you don't feel the same
You got that same heart, but you don't love the same
You got that same start, but you don't end the same

You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat

You're just a copy, copy, copy, copy
You're just a copy, copy, copy, copy
You're just a copy, copy, copy, copy
You're just a copy, copy, copy, copy

You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat
You're a copy cat, copy cat



To get the lyrics to the song "copycat" by Billie Eilish, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Go to a search engine like Google or Bing.
3. Type in "copycat Billie Eilish lyrics" in the search bar and press Enter.
4. You will see several search results with websites that provide lyrics for the song.
5. Click on any of the search results to visit a website that has the lyrics.
6. Once you're on the website, you should be able to see the full lyrics to "copycat" by Billie Eilish.
7. You can either read the lyrics on the website or copy and paste them into a document for easier access.

Please note that there may be variations or different versions of the lyrics available online, so be sure to double-check to ensure accuracy.