Can you write a conversation between a shy boy named izuku and a really angry boy named Bakugo?

Izuku: "Um, hi Bakugo. How are you doing today?"

Bakugo: "What do you want, Deku? I'm busy."

Izuku: "I just wanted to say hi. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."

Bakugo: "Whatever. Just leave me alone."

Izuku: "Okay, sorry. I'll go now."

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Certainly! Here's a conversation between Izuku and Bakugo:

Izuku: Um, hey Bakugo? Can I talk to you for a moment?

Bakugo: What do you want, Deku? Make it quick!

Izuku: Well, I was just wondering if we could, you know, try to get along a little better. I think we could make a good team if we could work together.

Bakugo: Hah! Work together? With a useless weakling like you? Don't waste my time, Deku.

Izuku: I understand that we have our differences, but maybe if we set aside our pride and try to understand each other, we can become a strong team. We both have unique abilities that could complement each other.

Bakugo: You really think I need your help? Stop acting like you know what's best for me, you nerd!

Izuku: I don't think I know what's best for you. I'm just suggesting that we could benefit from working together. We might even learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Bakugo: (grumbles) Fine, if it helps me become the best hero, I'll consider it. But don't think this means I like you, Deku!

Izuku: That's fair, Bakugo. I don't expect us to become best friends overnight, but I believe that with time and effort, we can develop a mutual understanding and respect for each other.

In this conversation, Izuku is making an effort to initiate a conversation with Bakugo, despite Bakugo's angry demeanor. Izuku proposes the idea of working together and emphasizes the benefits of teamwork. While Bakugo is initially resistant, he eventually agrees to consider the idea, though still maintaining his anger and distance. This conversation highlights the importance of communication and understanding between two individuals with differing personalities and opinions.