Each of the following sentences from "The Youngest Doll" contains an example of magical realism except

A. “With her head nestled among the black rocks' reverberations, she could hear the slamming of salty foam on the beach rolled up with the sound of waves, and she suddenly thought that her hair had poured out to sea at last.”
B. “The doctor who examined her assured her it was nothing, that she had probably been bitten by an angry river prawn.”
C. “She had been very beautiful, but the prawn hidden under the long, gauzy folds of her skirt stripped her of all vanity.”
D. “Then the doll lifted her eyelids, and out of the empty socket of her eyes came the frenzied antennae of all those prawns.”

It is A. With her head nestled among the black rocks…

To determine which sentence from "The Youngest Doll" contains an example of magical realism, we need to understand what magical realism is. Magical realism is a literary genre that combines elements of fantasy or magical elements with reality. It presents extraordinary events or characters as ordinary and plausible within the context of the story.

Let's analyze each sentence to identify any elements of magical realism:

A. “With her head nestled among the black rocks' reverberations, she could hear the slamming of salty foam on the beach rolled up with the sound of waves, and she suddenly thought that her hair had poured out to sea at last.”
In this sentence, although there is a poetic description of the protagonist's perception of the sounds of the beach, it does not involve any explicitly magical or fantastical elements. It is a lyrical description without the incorporation of magical realism. So, this sentence does not contain an example of magical realism.

B. “The doctor who examined her assured her it was nothing, that she had probably been bitten by an angry river prawn.”
This sentence does not contain any magical or fantastical elements. It describes a doctor providing a rational explanation for a condition. It does not involve magical realism.

C. “She had been very beautiful, but the prawn hidden under the long, gauzy folds of her skirt stripped her of all vanity.”
Although this sentence mentions a prawn hidden under the protagonist's skirt, it is not described as an extraordinary or magical occurrence. It is presented as a literal event that affects the character's beauty, rather than an example of magical realism.

D. “Then the doll lifted her eyelids, and out of the empty socket of her eyes came the frenzied antennae of all those prawns.”
This sentence describes a doll lifting her eyelids, and instead of eyes, prawn antennae emerge. This is an example of an extraordinary and fantastical event happening within the context of reality. The combination of a doll having prawn antennae emerging from its empty eye sockets is a clear example of magical realism.

Therefore, the sentence that contains an example of magical realism is:

D. “Then the doll lifted her eyelids, and out of the empty socket of her eyes came the frenzied antennae of all those prawns.”

B. “The doctor who examined her assured her it was nothing, that she had probably been bitten by an angry river prawn.”
