ou can buy 56 diapers at Babies-R-Us for $28, and you can buy 112 diapers online for $52. Which is the better deal, and how much will you save per diaper?

A Babies R Us by $0.15Babies R Us by $0.15
B Online by $0.15Online by $0.15
C Babies R Us by $0.04Babies R Us by $0.04
D Online by $0.04

Online by $0.04

The better deal is Babies R Us, and you will save $0.04 per diaper.

Brand A: 20 for $2.50

Brand B: 35 for $3.25
Brand C: 50 for $5.25
Brand D: 100 for $10.00

The school nurse is low on bandaids. She heads to the store and finds four brands. Which one is the BEST buy?
A Brand ABrand A
B Brand CBrand C
C Brand DBrand D
D Brand B

To determine the better deal, we need to compare the cost per diaper for each option.

Option A: Babies-R-Us offers 56 diapers for $28. This means the cost per diaper is $28/56 = $0.50.

Option B: Online offers 112 diapers for $52. This means the cost per diaper is $52/112 = $0.4643 (rounded to 4 decimal places).

Now we can compare the cost per diaper for each option:

Option A: $0.50 per diaper
Option B: $0.4643 per diaper

To find the savings per diaper, we subtract the cost per diaper for Option B from the cost per diaper for Option A:

$0.50 - $0.4643 = $0.0357 (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Therefore, the better deal is Option D: Online, which is cheaper by $0.04 per diaper.

To determine which is the better deal and how much you will save per diaper, we need to calculate the price per diaper for each option.

For Babies-R-Us, the price is $28 for 56 diapers. To find the price per diaper, we divide $28 by 56:

Price per diaper at Babies-R-Us = $28 / 56 diapers = $0.50 per diaper.

For the online deal, the price is $52 for 112 diapers. To find the price per diaper, we divide $52 by 112:

Price per diaper online = $52 / 112 diapers = $0.46 per diaper.

Now we can compare the price per diaper for each option:

Price per diaper at Babies-R-Us: $0.50
Price per diaper online: $0.46

Since the price per diaper is lower for the online deal, it is the better deal. You will save $0.04 per diaper by choosing the online deal instead of Babies-R-Us.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) Online by $0.04.