On a factory floor , 40 out of every 150 toy robots are defective. What percent of toy robots are defective? round to the nearest hundredth.


To calculate the percentage of defective toy robots, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the ratio of defective toy robots to the total number of toy robots.
In this case, there are 40 defective toy robots out of a total of 150 toy robots.

Ratio = (Defective Toy Robots / Total Toy Robots)
Ratio = (40 / 150)

2. Convert the ratio to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
Decimal = (40 / 150)

3. Multiply the decimal by 100 to get the percentage.
Percentage = (Decimal * 100)

Let's calculate it step by step:

Ratio = (40 / 150) = 0.26666667 (rounded to 8 decimal places)

Percentage = (0.26666667 * 100) = 26.67%

Therefore, approximately 26.67% of the toy robots are defective (rounded to the nearest hundredth).

To find the percentage of defective toy robots, we can use the formula:

Percentage = (Number of Defective Robots / Total Number of Robots) x 100

In this case, we are given that there are 40 defective robots out of a total of 150 robots.

So the percentage of defective toy robots is:

(40 / 150) x 100 = 26.67%

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the percentage of defective toy robots is approximately 26.67%.