Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

Jebb is the tallest player on the basketball team. He is
times as tall as the shortest girl in the sixth grade, who is
feet tall. How tall is Jebb?

Jebb is 6 feet tall.

1. Determine the height of the shortest girl in the sixth grade: 4 1/4 feet
2. Determine the ratio of Jebb's height to the shortest girl's height: 1 1/2
3. Multiply the shortest girl's height by the ratio to determine Jebb's height: 4 1/4 x 1 1/2 = 6 feet

help please i need this answer before the end of this semester or im going back to public school cuz

Mason, if you don't know how to do this simple question, perhaps it would be best if you did go back to "public school", where you would actually learn something instead of asking for just the answers like a lot of connexus students on here.

To find Jebb's height, we need to multiply the height of the shortest girl in the sixth grade by 1.12.

First, let's express the height of the shortest girl in fraction form:
Shortest girl's height = 41/4 feet.

Next, we can multiply the shortest girl's height by 1.12 to find Jebb's height:
Jebb's height = (41/4) * 1.12.

To simplify, we can use decimal form for the fraction:
Shortest girl's height = 10.25 feet.

Now, let's calculate Jebb's height:
Jebb's height = 10.25 * 1.12.

Multiplying the numbers:
Jebb's height = 11.48 feet.

Therefore, Jebb is approximately 11.48 feet tall.