Player Points

Travis 6
Marcus 7
James 17
Taylor 2
Hector 1
Julio 22
Jonah 8
Chris 11
Scott 14

The chart shows the number of points different players scored during a game. What is the ratio of Marcus's points to Scott's points?
A 1:21:2
B 4:114:11
C 11:411:4
D 2:1

D 2:1

I think it's 1:2, not 2:1

Marcus's points : Scott's points = 7 : 14 = 1 : 2

Why are there 3 terms in some of the the answers ??

To find the ratio of Marcus's points to Scott's points, we need to divide Marcus's points by Scott's points.

According to the chart, Marcus scored 7 points and Scott scored 14 points.

So, the ratio of Marcus's points to Scott's points is 7:14.

Simplifying this ratio by dividing both numbers by 7, we get 1:2.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D: 2:1.