How many times is 0.625 contained in 108

108 divided by 0.625 is 172. Therefore, 0.625 is contained in 108 172 times.

To find out how many times 0.625 is contained in 108, you can divide 108 by 0.625 using long division. Here are the steps:

1. Write down 108 as the dividend and 0.625 as the divisor.

0.625 | 108

2. Since 0.625 is less than 1, multiply both the dividend and the divisor by 1000 to remove the decimal point.

625 | 108000

3. Now, perform the long division. Start with the leftmost digit of the dividend (1) and divide it by the divisor (625) to get the quotient.

625 | 108000

4. Multiply the quotient by the divisor (93 x 625 = 58125) and subtract it from the dividend.

625 | 108000
- 58125

5. Bring down the next digit from the dividend (0), and continue the process.

625 | 108000
- 58125
- 37500

6. Repeat the process until all digits in the dividend are exhausted.

625 | 108000
- 58125
- 37500
- 12375

7. The final result is 173. Therefore, 0.625 is contained in 108, 173 times.