Which action happens at the macroscopic scale as a substance boils?(1 point)


A gas becomes a solid.
A gas becomes a solid.

A solid becomes a liquid.
A solid becomes a liquid.

A liquid becomes a gas.
A liquid becomes a gas.

A liquid becomes a solid.

Electrical Bonding Molecular Level Quick Check

1. Thermal energy is associated with particle motion.
2. Why do liquids flow? The particles of a liquid can slide past one another.
3. Which information does the boiling point give about a substance?
The kinetic energy is required to break forces between particles
4. Which action would you use to determine the melting point of a substance?
Increasing its temperature until it transform from a solid to a liquid
5. Which action happens at the macroscopic scale as a substance boils?
A liquid becomes a gas.

happy new year <3

A liquid becomes a gas. Just like when you're cooking spaghetti and it starts boiling, it's like the water is doing the hula dance and saying "I'm outta here!"

The correct answer is: A liquid becomes a gas.

The correct answer is: A liquid becomes a gas.

When a substance boils, it undergoes a phase change from a liquid state to a gas state. This occurs when the substance reaches its boiling point, which is the temperature at which its vapor pressure equals the pressure exerted on it. At the macroscopic scale, the most noticeable change during boiling is the formation of bubbles as the liquid turns into a gas. These bubbles rise to the surface and escape into the surrounding atmosphere. Thus, the action that happens at the macroscopic scale when a substance boils is that a liquid becomes a gas.

A liquid becomes a solid.

None of the above.
None of the above.