A car travels 172 miles using 7 gallons of gas at this rate how far can the car travel losing 42 gallons of gas

The answer is A. 1,032 miles.

You divide 42 gallons by 7. This is because you know how many miles can be reached per 7 gallons.
x 6

When you divide 42/7 you get 6. You then take 6 and multiply it by 172. 6x2 is 12, you carry the one, 6x7 is 42, plus the 1 that you carried, so you get 43, you carry the 4, 6x1 is 6, and you add the 4 to get 10. This brings your answer to 1, 032.

Isn't 42 gallons six times as much as 7 gallons?

So wouldn't you expect to go six times as far ?
so what is 6(72) miles ?

btw, the third of the "Similar Questions" on the right column is my answer
to the same question from 2019

A car travels 172 miles using 7 gallons of gas at this rate how far can the car travel losing 42 gallons of gas

If the car travels 172 miles using 7 gallons of gas, then the fuel efficiency or gas mileage is 172/7 = 24.57 miles per gallon (mpg).

If the car loses 42 gallons of gas, then it can travel 42 x 24.57 = 1,031.94 miles.

Therefore, the car can travel approximately 1,031.94 miles after losing 42 gallons of gas.

A car travels 172 miles using 7 gallons of gas at this rate how far can the car travel 42 gallons of gas

If a car can travel 172 miles using 7 gallons of gas, then its fuel efficiency is 172/7 = 24.57 miles per gallon.

To find out how far the car can travel using 42 gallons of gas, you can multiply the fuel efficiency by the number of gallons:

distance = fuel efficiency x number of gallons

distance = 24.57 x 42

distance = 1030.94 miles (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the car can travel approximately 1030.94 miles using 42 gallons of gas.

To find out how far the car can travel when losing 42 gallons of gas, we can use a proportion based on the given information.

First, we need to determine the rate of distance traveled per gallon of gas. We can calculate this by dividing the total distance by the total amount of gas used:

Rate = Distance / Gas used

Rate = 172 miles / 7 gallons

Rate ≈ 24.57 miles/gallon

Now that we have the rate, we can use it to find the distance the car can travel when losing 42 gallons of gas. We multiply the rate by the number of gallons of gas lost:

Distance = Rate * Gas lost

Distance = 24.57 miles/gallon * 42 gallons

Distance ≈ 1031.94 miles

Therefore, the car can travel approximately 1031.94 miles when losing 42 gallons of gas.