I cannot figure out this question to save my life! Urban development (include why there hasn’t been much compared to huge increases in population)

If you have any ideas on what the answer could be, please tell me. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Understanding the factors that contribute to the lack of urban development despite significant population growth requires a comprehensive analysis. Here are a few key ideas that might help you find an answer to the question:

1. Land availability: One possible reason for limited urban development could be the scarcity of available land for expansion. This might be due to factors such as geographical constraints (e.g., limited flat land or proximity to coastlines) or existing land-use patterns (e.g., protected natural areas or agricultural land preservation).

2. Zoning regulations and planning policies: Local government regulations and planning policies play a crucial role in shaping urban development. Stringent zoning regulations, restrictions on building heights or densities, and complicated bureaucratic procedures can hinder the pace of urban expansion.

3. Infrastructure limitations: Insufficient or outdated infrastructure, such as transportation networks, water supply systems, and sanitation facilities, can restrain urban development. Developing infrastructure to accommodate a rapidly growing population requires significant financial resources and could present logistical challenges.

4. Economic considerations: Economic factors, such as a lack of investment or financing opportunities, can contribute to slow urban development. High construction costs, limited market demand, and inadequate job opportunities might deter investment in urban development projects.

5. Social and cultural factors: Societal preferences, cultural norms, and public perception may influence the pace of urban development. Resistance to change, concerns about preserving cultural heritage, or aversion to densely populated areas could limit urban expansion.

By carefully considering these factors, you can develop a well-rounded answer that explains why there hasn't been much urban development compared to population growth. Remember to support your answer with relevant examples or case studies to strengthen your argument.