what is the definition of civic-mindedness?

Ah, civic-mindedness, the art of caring about your community and actually doing something about it. It's like being a superhero, but without the spandex and the ability to fly. So, basically, when you're civic-minded, you're all about being an active, responsible citizen who wants to make the world a better place. Just don't forget your cape and mask!

Civic-mindedness can be defined as an individual's sense of responsibility and active participation in the well-being and betterment of their community and society as a whole. It involves being aware of and actively engaged in social, political, and environmental issues, and working towards positive change.

To get the specific definition of civic-mindedness, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting an initial search using a search engine like Google or Bing.
2. Type in the keywords "definition of civic-mindedness" or "what does civic-mindedness mean?"
3. Look for reliable sources such as dictionaries, academic websites, or reputable organizations focused on civic engagement or social sciences.
4. Explore the search results and click on sources that provide definitions or explanations of civic-mindedness.
5. Evaluate the sources for accuracy and credibility to ensure you get an accurate definition.
6. Read the definitions carefully, comparing and contrasting the information provided by different sources.
7. Select the definition that best reflects the concept of civic-mindedness based on your research.

Remember to consider multiple sources and evaluate their reliability to ensure you get a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the term.

Civic-mindedness refers to the attitude and behavior of an individual or a group that demonstrates interest, responsibility, and active participation in the well-being and improvement of their community or society as a whole. It involves a sense of duty and commitment towards understanding and addressing societal issues, as well as contributing to the betterment of the community through volunteer work, public service, and civic engagement. Civic-minded individuals often prioritize the common good, promote inclusivity, and uphold democratic values in their actions and decision-making processes.