track the geographical features that helped Rome flourish to the box

To track the geographical features that helped Rome flourish, you would need to gather information about the specific characteristics of the region where Rome was located and how those features contributed to its prosperity. Here's how you can approach this task:

1. Research the geography of Rome: Start by examining the geographical location of Rome. Rome is situated in the central-western part of the Italian Peninsula, close to the west coast of Italy. It is positioned on the banks of the Tiber River.

2. Study the climate: Investigate the climate of Rome. Rome benefits from a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. This climate allowed for agriculture to thrive, as it provided long, sunny growing seasons and ample rainfall.

3. Explore the Tiber River: Look into the significance of the Tiber River. The Tiber River played a vital role in Rome's development as a major city. It served as a transport route, facilitating trade and connecting Rome to other regions. Additionally, the river provided a fresh water source for irrigation and enabled the growth of crops.

4. Investigate the natural resources: Research the availability of natural resources. Rome was fortunate to have access to an abundance of fertile soil, which supported agricultural activities. It was also located near rich deposits of volcanic soil, providing favorable conditions for growing crops. Furthermore, Rome had access to resources like timber, stone, and minerals, which contributed to its construction, infrastructure, and trade.

5. Consider strategic defense: Examine the defensive advantages of Rome's geography. Rome was built on seven hills, providing natural defensive positions. The hilly terrain allowed for better visibility and protection against potential invaders.

By examining these factors, you can track the geographical features that helped Rome flourish and gain a better understanding of Rome's prosperity in ancient times.