Inheritance of straight hair is considered dominant while curly hair is recessive. People with wavy hair are not considered to have curly nor straight hair. A male with straight hair has a child with a curly hair woman. Their child has wavy hair.

1.)Which variation of Mendel’s genetics is wavy hair?
2.)Give all possible genotypes with percentages that could arise between the man and woman.

1.) The variation of Mendel's genetics that accounts for the wavy hair in this scenario is known as incomplete dominance. In incomplete dominance, neither allele is completely dominant over the other, resulting in an intermediate phenotype.

2.) To determine the possible genotypes and their corresponding percentages, let's assign letters to represent the alleles for straight hair (S) and curly hair (C). Since straight hair is considered dominant, we can represent it with a capital letter (S), while curly hair, being recessive, can be represented with a lowercase letter (c).

Given that the male has straight hair (SS) and the female has curly hair (cc), we can determine the possible genotypes of their child by combining one allele from each parent.

Possible offspring genotypes:
- Heterozygous for straight hair: Ss (50% chance)
- Heterozygous for wavy hair: Sc (50% chance)

Therefore, the possible genotypes that can arise between the man and woman are Ss and Sc, each with a 50% probability.