Joe wants to support his claim that dirt bike racing can be dangerous. He found these sources.

1. A June 2020 blog post by a teen who competes in a dirt bike race…
2. A 2018 illustrated article by a doctor who treated head injuries in athletes…
3. A 1990 ad with diagrams from a manufacturer of dirt bike helmets….
Cues features: current, unbiased, expert, supported………… which Cue features match these claims

Based on the given sources, here are the Cue features that match Joe's claims of finding sources that are current, unbiased, expert, and supported:

1. A June 2020 blog post by a teen who competes in a dirt bike race:
- Cue Feature: Current
Explanation: The blog post from June 2020 indicates that it is recent. Since dirt bike racing can be dangerous, this current source could potentially provide insights into the risks involved.

2. A 2018 illustrated article by a doctor who treated head injuries in athletes:
- Cue Features: Unbiased, Expert
- Unbiased: Since the article is written by a doctor who treated head injuries in athletes, it can be argued that it is likely to provide an objective viewpoint on the dangers associated with dirt bike racing.
- Expert: The fact that the article is authored by a doctor who specializes in treating head injuries in athletes suggests that the source is coming from an expert in the field. This expertise would lend credibility to the claim that dirt bike racing can be dangerous.

3. A 1990 ad with diagrams from a manufacturer of dirt bike helmets:
- Cue Feature: Supported
Explanation: While the source may not be current, the fact that it is an advertisement from a manufacturer of dirt bike helmets adds support to the claim. The use of diagrams may provide visual evidence related to the dangers of dirt bike racing and the need for proper safety equipment like helmets.

To summarize, the sources that Joe found include a current blog post, an illustrated article by a doctor, and a historical ad from a helmet manufacturer. These sources collectively possess the Cue features of current, unbiased, expert, and supported, which can support Joe's claim about the dangers of dirt bike racing.