How can an igneous rock turn into a sedimentary rock?(1 point)


through heat, erosion and pressure
through heat, erosion and pressure

through erosion, heat and pressure
through erosion, heat and pressure

through erosion, pressure and cementation
through erosion, pressure and cementation

through cementation, pressure and erosion
through cementation, pressure and erosion

An igneous rock can turn into a sedimentary rock through erosion, pressure, and cementation.

Here's an explanation of the process:
1. Erosion: Weathering and erosion break down the igneous rock into small particles or sediments. This can occur due to physical processes like wind, water, or ice, or chemical processes like dissolution or oxidation.
2. Pressure: Over time, these sediments accumulate and become buried under more layers of sediments. The weight of the overlying sediments exerts pressure on the lower layers, compressing them.
3. Cementation: As the sediments are buried and compressed, minerals dissolved in groundwater start to fill in the spaces between the sediments. These minerals act as natural cement, binding the sediments together and forming a solid rock.
4. Time and Lithification: Gradually, through the processes of compaction and cementation, the loose sediments are transformed into a sedimentary rock. This whole process, known as lithification, can take millions of years.

So, the correct answer is: through erosion, pressure, and cementation.