The height, h, in metres, above the ground of a rider on a Ferris wheel can be modelled by the equation h = 10 sin(3.14/15x)+ 12, where t is the time, in seconds

a) At t = 0 s, the rider is at the lowest point.
Determine the first two times that the rider
is 20 m above the ground, to the nearest
hundredth of a second.

you want h = 20

10 sin(π/15x)+ 12 = 20
10 sin(π/15x) = 8
sin(π/15x) = 8/10 = .8
so π/15 x = .9273 , make sure your calculator was set to radians
or 3.14/15 x = π - .9273 = 2.2143

x = 4.43 seconds or x = 10.57 seconds