1. What was Alexander Hamilton's main reason for insisting that all the nation's debts must be paid in full? (1 point)

To find the main reason for Alexander Hamilton's insistence on paying all of the nation's debts in full, we can look at historical sources such as Hamilton's writings, speeches, and contemporary accounts. Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He believed that paying off the nation's debts was crucial for establishing the country's creditworthiness and ensuring its economic stability.

Hamilton's main reason for insisting on full repayment of the nation's debts can be understood through a few key principles:

1. Creditworthiness: Hamilton understood that a nation's credit rating was vital for its economic growth and development. He recognized that if the United States were seen as not fulfilling its financial obligations, it would damage its reputation and hinder its ability to borrow money in the future. Paying off the debts was a way to build confidence in the new country and establish trust among creditors.

2. National Unity: Another important factor for Hamilton was his vision of a unified and strong federal government. By assuming the individual states' debts and ensuring their repayment, Hamilton aimed to centralize financial power and strengthen the federal government's authority. He believed that paying off the debts would help create a more stable and cohesive nation.

3. International Relations: Hamilton was aware that foreign governments and investors held a significant portion of the United States' debt. By honoring its international financial obligations, Hamilton sought to maintain good relations with creditors, avoid default, and preserve the country's reputation on the global stage.

By emphasizing the importance of creditworthiness, national unity, and international relations, Alexander Hamilton argued that paying off all of the country's debts in full was fundamental to ensuring the economic stability and growth of the nascent United States.