What is the function of adverbial clause of a sentence of when she was a girl of twenty

The adverbial clause "when she was a girl of twenty" functions to provide information about the time or circumstance in which an action took place. It serves as an adverbial modifier indicating when an event or situation mentioned in the sentence occurred.

To identify the function of the adverbial clause, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the clause: In this case, the adverbial clause is "when she was a girl of twenty."

2. Determine the type of adverbial clause: The given clause uses the subordinating conjunction "when," indicating a temporal (time-related) relationship.

3. Analyze the function within the sentence: The clause functions as an adverbial modifier, specifically indicating the time or circumstance when the mentioned action occurred.

In summary, the adverbial clause "when she was a girl of twenty" provides details about the particular time when something happened in the sentence.