What is the function of " when she was a girl of twenty

The phrase "when she was a girl of twenty" provides contextual information about a person's age at a specific time. To determine the function of this phrase, further context is needed. It can serve different purposes depending on the larger context of the sentence or passage in which it appears. Some possible functions of this phrase could include:

1. Age specification: The phrase clarifies the age of a female individual when a particular event or situation occurred or is being described. It emphasizes that the person in question was twenty years old at that specific time.

Example: "When she was a girl of twenty, she started her own business."

2. Time reference: The phrase establishes the timeframe in which an event or story is taking place. It indicates a particular stage in a person's life and can be used to highlight developments or changes that occurred during that time.

Example: "When she was a girl of twenty, she traveled the world and explored different cultures."

Overall, the function of the phrase "when she was a girl of twenty" depends on the surrounding context and how it is being used within the sentence or passage.