Which of the following flood mitigation techniques might a city use? Select the two correct answers.

I don't see any "following flood mitigating techniques".

What are your choices?

To determine the flood mitigation techniques that a city might use, it depends on various factors such as the location, budget, and specific needs. However, here are two commonly used flood mitigation techniques:

1. Floodplain zoning: This technique involves regulating the use of land located in flood-prone areas. By implementing floodplain zoning, cities can restrict or regulate development in these areas, preventing construction in high-risk flood zones.

2. Constructing flood barriers or levees: Building flood barriers or levees is another effective flood mitigation technique. It involves the construction of barriers, such as walls, embankments, or levees, along riverbanks or coastlines to prevent floodwaters from reaching the city or specific areas.

Remember, there are numerous other flood mitigation techniques available, and each city may adopt different strategies based on their specific circumstances.

To determine which flood mitigation techniques a city might use, we need to evaluate various options. Here are some common techniques employed by cities to mitigate flooding:

1. Floodwalls or levees: Cities may construct floodwalls or levees along riverbanks or coastlines to prevent water from overflowing onto land during heavy rainfall or storms. This technique helps to direct water away from populated areas.

2. Floodplain zoning: Cities may implement floodplain zoning to regulate construction and development in flood-prone areas. By limiting or restricting construction in these areas, cities can reduce potential flood damage.

3. Stormwater management: Adequate stormwater management is crucial in reducing flood risks. Cities can employ various techniques such as constructing retention ponds, installing stormwater drainage systems, and implementing green infrastructure solutions like rain gardens and permeable pavements to control and manage excess rainfall.

4. River channelization: This technique involves modifying or engineering river channels to control water flow and prevent flooding. By widening or deepening river channels, cities can increase their capacity to handle excess water during heavy rainfall or melting snow.

5. Flood early warning systems: Implementing flood early warning systems provides timely information to residents and city officials, enabling them to take necessary precautions in the event of an impending flood. These systems usually involve sensors, monitoring networks, and communication channels to alert individuals and mobilize emergency response efforts.

6. Land use planning: Cities can employ strategic land use planning to prevent or reduce flood risks. By avoiding construction in flood-prone areas and emphasizing sustainable urban development, cities can minimize the impact of flooding events.

After evaluating these options, the correct answers out of the given list would be:

- Floodwalls or levees
- Stormwater management