Correct Spelling Quick Check Unit 3 lesson 9

What is another name for a free morpheme?(1 point)



3.root word

4.base word

The correct answer is 3. root word.

To find the correct answer, you can start by understanding the meaning of each option:

1. A prefix is a type of bound morpheme that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
2. A bound morpheme is a morpheme that cannot stand alone as a word and is always attached to another morpheme.
3. A root word is a morpheme that can stand alone as a word and carries the main meaning of a word.
4. A base word is a word that can stand alone as a word or be combined with prefixes or suffixes.

In this case, we are looking for a term that represents a free morpheme, which means a morpheme that can stand alone as a word. Option 3, "root word," fits this description, as it represents the main, standalone part of a word.

Therefore, the correct answer is 3. root word.