Which phrase mean to organize evidence logically in a persuasive text?

• to present it in a way that makes sense
to provide at least three pieces of evidence to support the argument
• to include a counterargument
• to put the least important piece of evidence first

Well, if we're talking about organizing evidence logically in a persuasive text, I'd say the phrase "to present it in a way that makes sense" hits the nail on the head. Because let's face it, if you're trying to convince someone of your point of view, it's important to arrange your evidence in a coherent and logical manner. Otherwise, you might as well be presenting a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. And nobody wants to piece together their arguments like a puzzle, am I right?

The phrase that means to organize evidence logically in a persuasive text is "to present it in a way that makes sense."

The phrase that means to organize evidence logically in a persuasive text is "to present it in a way that makes sense."