Write a few sentences to answer the question. You will get more points for more detail. (You also get points for trying, so please try).

Which Indian achievement do you think is the most important and why? Be specific.

Can someone help???:((pls<3

Just to clarify, Indian as in people in India or Native American?

people in india...

There are many significant achievements in Indian history that have had a profound impact on various aspects of human existence. One of the most important achievements is India's contribution to mathematics, specifically the development of the number system and the concepts of zero and decimal place value. This mathematical breakthrough revolutionized the field of mathematics and had major implications for science, technology, and commerce. The Indian mathematician Aryabhata is credited with introducing the concept of zero, which paved the way for algebra and calculus. The decimal place value system, which allowed for more efficient arithmetic calculations, is also of great importance as it laid the foundation for modern mathematics and the advancement of various scientific disciplines. Overall, India's contributions to mathematics have had a lasting impact on global knowledge and continue to shape various fields of study today.

Certainly! When considering significant achievements in India, there are several important ones to choose from. One such achievement is India's successful mission to Mars, known as the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM). Launched in 2013, MOM became the first Asian nation to reach Mars on its first attempt. This accomplishment is highly notable due to the complexity and challenges associated with interplanetary space missions. MOM not only showcased India's technological and scientific prowess but also proved the country's capabilities to explore deeper into space. Furthermore, this achievement holds significance as it further cemented India's position as a major player in the global space industry and stimulated advancements in space research and technology within the country.