When would a transformation of chemical energy to electrical energy occur?(1 point)

One example is "when one turns on a flashlight".

A transformation of chemical energy to electrical energy occurs in a device called an electrochemical cell or battery. To determine when this transformation occurs, you would need to consider the specific circumstances in which the electrochemical cell or battery is used.

For example, if you are using a flashlight, the transformation occurs when you turn it on. The chemical energy stored in the batteries is converted into electrical energy, which powers the light bulb.

In the case of a car battery, the transformation occurs when you start the engine. The chemical energy in the battery is converted into electrical energy, which is used to ignite the fuel and power the vehicle's electrical systems.

In general, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy whenever there is a flow of electrons through a conducting medium, such as a wire or a circuit. This could happen in various devices and technologies, including portable electronic devices, electric vehicles, power plants, and many others.

A transformation of chemical energy to electrical energy would occur in a process called electrochemical reaction or battery operation. This typically occurs when a chemical reaction takes place inside a battery, causing a flow of electrons from the anode to the cathode through an external circuit, generating electrical energy.