How did the racist policies during Reconstruction affect people in Virginia? A. People of the same race were prevented from marrying. B. People of different races were prevented from marrying. C. People who had been enslaved did not have the right to vote. D. People who had been enslaved could not own land or property.

How did the Civil War affect the economy of Virginia? A. People had to surrender property, and poverty grew. B. People gained land and property, and wealth grew. C. People moved out of Virginia, leaving a labor shortage. D. People created more farms to supply the Confederate army.

To answer the first question, "How did the racist policies during Reconstruction affect people in Virginia?", we need to analyze the given options:

A. People of the same race were prevented from marrying.
B. People of different races were prevented from marrying.
C. People who had been enslaved did not have the right to vote.
D. People who had been enslaved could not own land or property.

During the Reconstruction era, which followed the Civil War, Virginia enacted several racist policies that heavily impacted its people.

Option C states that people who had been enslaved did not have the right to vote. This answer is correct and provides a significant way in which the racist policies during Reconstruction affected people in Virginia. The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1870, granted African American men the right to vote, but Virginia implemented various strategies, including poll taxes, literacy tests, and intimidation, to prevent African Americans from exercising this right.

So, the correct answer is C. People who had been enslaved did not have the right to vote.

Now, let's move on to the second question, "How did the Civil War affect the economy of Virginia?"

A. People had to surrender property, and poverty grew.
B. People gained land and property, and wealth grew.
C. People moved out of Virginia, leaving a labor shortage.
D. People created more farms to supply the Confederate army.

The Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865, had a major impact on Virginia's economy. To determine the effect, let's review the options:

Option A mentions that people had to surrender property, and poverty grew. This answer is correct. During the Civil War, Virginia experienced significant destruction and confiscation of property. Many plantations were destroyed, and the confiscation of property affected both individuals and the overall economy, leading to increased poverty.

So, the correct answer is A. People had to surrender property, and poverty grew.

In summary, the racist policies during Reconstruction era in Virginia affected people by denying those who had been enslaved the right to vote. As for the impact of the Civil War on the economy of Virginia, it resulted in the surrender of property, leading to increased poverty.