10.what percent of 21 is 7

11. Julie bought a pair of earrings for $77.00. she needs to pay the 6.35 sales tax. how much will Julie pay in sales tax?

i need help now pls!!



7 / 21 = 7 • 1 / 7 • 3 = 1 / 3 = 0.3333...

Multiply and divide 0.3333... by 100.

100 • 0.3333... / 100 =

33.3333... / 100 = 33.3333... %


6.35 / 77 = 0.0824675325

Multiply and divide 0.0824675325 by 100.

100 • 0.0824675325 / 100 =

8.24675325 / 100 = 8.24675325 %

8.25 % rounded on two decimal places.

6.35% = 0.0635

0.0635 * 77 = 4.89

I can help you with both questions. Let's start with question 10.

To find what percent of 21 is 7, we can use the formula: (part/whole) * 100.

In this case, the part is 7 and the whole is 21. So, the formula becomes: (7/21) * 100.

To calculate this, divide 7 by 21: 7 ÷ 21 = 0.333.

Then, multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage: 0.333 * 100 = 33.3%.

Therefore, 7 is approximately 33.3% of 21.

Now, let's move on to question 11.

To calculate the sales tax, we need to find 6.35% of $77.00.

To do this, we can multiply the price ($77.00) by the sales tax rate (6.35%) expressed as a decimal (0.0635).

Mathematically, it looks like this: $77.00 * 0.0635 = $4.8895.

Rounding this to two decimal places, we get $4.89.

Therefore, Julie will pay $4.89 in sales tax.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

thats not one of the answer choices..