1. Estimate the sum or difference. Use the benchmarks 1/2 and 1 (1 point)


To estimate the sum or difference using benchmarks, you need to identify the nearest whole number or fraction that the given numbers are close to. In this case, we are given the benchmarks 1/2 and 1.

To estimate the sum, you'll want to round each number to the nearest whole number or fraction and then add them together. Let's assume we have two numbers, A and B.

To estimate the sum:
1. Round number A to the nearest whole number or fraction based on the benchmarks.
2. Round number B to the nearest whole number or fraction based on the benchmarks.
3. Add the rounded numbers together to get an estimate of the sum.

To estimate the difference:
1. Round the larger number to the nearest whole number or fraction based on the benchmarks.
2. Round the smaller number to the nearest whole number or fraction based on the benchmarks.
3. Subtract the rounded numbers to get an estimate of the difference.

Please provide the specific numbers you want to estimate the sum or difference of, and I can guide you through the process.

To estimate the sum or difference, you can use the benchmarks 1/2 and 1. Here's how:

- For addition:
If the numbers you are adding are both less than 1/2, the sum will be less than 1.
If the numbers you are adding are both greater than 1/2, the sum will be greater than 1.
If one number is less than 1/2 and the other is greater than 1/2, the sum can be estimated to be around 1.

- For subtraction:
If the number you are subtracting is less than 1/2 and the number you are subtracting it from is greater than 1/2, the difference can be estimated to be around 1.
If both the numbers are greater than 1/2, the difference will be less than 1.
If both the numbers are less than 1/2, the difference will be less than 1.

Remember, these are just estimates based on the benchmarks, and the actual sum or difference may be different.