I am writing a research presentation what should I write about? Any ideas are welcome. Sending love, Katie.

Well I am the only one out of 9 people who saw your answer who answers so this is what I would of wrote if I were you :D

something about history, scince, or facts, like something like slavery or science like after futher research scientist councluded that life on mars would be possible, it has ice which could be used as water and soil that could support life :D

and also could you answer this below for me :D

#1 y-5 / 3 =1e
#5 59x + 10) + x

A) 6x + 15
B) 5x + 15*
C) 6x + 50
D) 4x - 50

#6 -4n + 7 2n = 1

A) 1
B) 3
C) -3
D) 4*

#7 4(y - 4) = 8

A) -2
B) 2*
C) 4
D) 6

#8 Raymond buys bottles of water at $2.10 each and a large pizza at $12.99. The total cost was $21.39. How many bottles of water (b) did he buy?

A) 2.10b + 12.99 = 21.39; 4 bottles*
B) 2.10 + 12.99b = 21.39; 4 bottles
C) 2.19c = 21.39 + 12.99; 6 bottles
D) 21.39 - 2.10b = 12.99; 16 bottles

The areas with the ( * ) is the answers that I chose please help me this is due next week!!!! or can you tell me the answers to it?

Wow! Those are some great things to write about! I think you got all those right but I'm not very good at math. The best thing to do is go with your heart (and maybe ask a couple of math sites). Sending love, Katie

Hi Katie! When deciding what to write about for your research presentation, there are a few things you can consider:

1. Your Interests: Think about topics that genuinely interest you. It will be easier to research and present on something you are passionate about.

2. Current Events: Consider topics that are currently relevant or have recently gained attention. This will keep your audience engaged and create a connection with real-world issues.

3. Novelty: Explore emerging or lesser-known areas of research. This allows you to explore new findings and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

4. Impact: Look for topics that have a significant impact on society, such as climate change, technology advancements, social justice, healthcare, or education.

Once you have a general idea, start by conducting preliminary research to assess the availability of information and resources on that topic. This will help you determine if there is enough material to support your research presentation.

Remember, it's important to choose a topic that resonates with you and aligns with your purpose for the presentation. Good luck with your research presentation, and sending love back to you, Katie!