Solve the equation

#1 y-5 / 3 =1

A) -2 *
B) 8
C) 18
D) 6

#2 6x + 29 = 5

A) -4
B) -18
C) 204 *
D) -144

#3 -21a + 16a

A) -5a
B) 5a
C) 37a
D) -37a *

#4 9a - b - 2a - 10b

A) -7a + 11b *
B) 11a + 9b
C) -11a - 9b
D) 7a - 11b

#5 59x + 10) + x

A) 6x + 15
B) 5x + 15
C) 6x + 50 *
D) 4x - 50

#6 -4n + 7 2n = 1

A) 1
B) 3 *
C) -3
D) 4

#7 4(y - 4) = 8

A) -2
B) 2
C) 4
D) 6 *

#8 Raymond buys bottles of water at $2.10 each and a large pizza at $12.99. The total cost was $21.39. How many bottles of water (b) did he buy?

A) 2.10b + 12.99 = 21.39; 4 bottles
B) 2.10 + 12.99b = 21.39; 4 bottles
C) 2.19c = 21.39 + 12.99; 6 bottles *
D) 21.39 - 2.10b = 12.99; 16 bottles

The areas with the ( * ) is the answers that I chooes please help me this is due next week!!!!

Too bad you didn't bother to show your work.

or use parentheses when necessary
#1 (y-5) / 3 =1
y-5 = 3
y = 8

#2. nope - you need to divide by 6, not multiply
#3. nope - watch those +/- signs
#4. nope - again, exactly backwards
9a - b - 2a - 10b
9a - 2a - b - 10b
now, 9-2 = 7, so you get
7a - 11b
#5. correct, assuming you meant 5(x + 10) + x
#6 appears correct
#7 ok
#8 nope - how did you arrive at that answer?

most confusing thing I ever seen

I am sorry it was rushed because my teacher moved it to Monday :C but thank you for always being there for when I need you Oobleck :)

What are the answers to this!!!


Sure! Let's go through each equation step by step to find the solutions.

#1: y - 5 / 3 = 1
To solve this equation, we need to isolate the variable y. Start by multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 to get rid of the fraction:
3(y - 5) / 3 = 1 * 3
Simplifying, we have:
y - 5 = 3
Now, add 5 to both sides of the equation to isolate y:
y - 5 + 5 = 3 + 5
This gives us:
y = 8
Therefore, the answer is B) 8.

#2: 6x + 29 = 5
To solve for x in this equation, we want to isolate x. Start by subtracting 29 from both sides of the equation:
6x + 29 - 29 = 5 - 29
Simplifying, we have:
6x = -24
Now, divide both sides of the equation by 6 to solve for x:
6x / 6 = -24 / 6
This gives us:
x = -4
Therefore, the answer is A) -4.

#3: -21a + 16a
To simplify this expression, we combine the like terms. -21a and 16a are like terms, so we can add them together:
-21a + 16a = -5a
Therefore, the answer is A) -5a.

#4: 9a - b - 2a - 10b
To simplify this expression, we combine the like terms. 9a and -2a are like terms, as well as -b and -10b. Therefore, we have:
9a - b - 2a - 10b = (9a - 2a) + (-b - 10b)
Simplifying, we get:
7a - 11b
Therefore, the answer is A) -7a + 11b.

#5: 59x + 10) + x
It seems like there might be a typo in this equation as there is an extra closing parenthesis. Please double-check the equation and let me know the correct expression so I can help you solve it.

#6: -4n + 7 2n = 1
It seems like there might be a typo in this equation as there is a space between the number 7 and the variable 2n. Please double-check the equation and let me know the correct expression so I can help you solve it.

#7: 4(y - 4) = 8
To solve this equation, we start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses: y - 4. Then we distribute the 4 to both terms within the parentheses:
4(y - 4) = 4y - 4(4)
Simplifying, we have:
4y - 16 = 8
Now, add 16 to both sides of the equation to isolate y:
4y - 16 + 16 = 8 + 16
This gives us:
4y = 24
Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for y:
4y / 4 = 24 / 4
This gives us:
y = 6
Therefore, the answer is D) 6.

#8: Raymond buys bottles of water at $2.10 each and a large pizza at $12.99. The total cost was $21.39. How many bottles of water (b) did he buy?
To solve this problem, we can set up an equation based on the given information.
The cost of the bottles of water is $2.10 multiplied by the number of bottles (b), and the cost of the large pizza is fixed at $12.99. The total cost is $21.39.
Therefore, our equation becomes:
2.10b + 12.99 = 21.39
To isolate b, subtract 12.99 from both sides of the equation:
2.10b + 12.99 - 12.99 = 21.39 - 12.99
This gives us:
2.10b = 8.40
Now, divide both sides of the equation by 2.10 to solve for b:
2.10b / 2.10 = 8.40 / 2.10
This gives us:
b = 4
Therefore, the correct answer is B) 4 bottles.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.