Read and choose the option with the correct answer, based on what you learned from the lesson.

–Me llamo María. En mi país yo saco la basura cada « every » día y quito la mesa después de cenar. Mi mamá me paga « pays me » cuatro billetes.
–Juan, ¿y tú?
–Hago la cama después de desayunar y doblo la ropa en mi cómoda. Antes de salir el sábado, ordeno el baño y corto la grama. Mi papá me « to me » paga cinco billetes.

Based on what you learned from the lesson, which country are María and Juan describing?

B. Nicaragua
C. Germany
D. France

To determine which country María and Juan are describing, we can look for clues in their dialogue. They mention specific actions they do on a daily basis, such as taking out the trash, clearing the table, making the bed, folding clothes, and mowing the lawn. Based on these activities, it is most likely that María and Juan are describing a country where these tasks are common.

From the information given, we cannot definitively determine the exact country. However, we can eliminate options that do not fit the description. Germany and France are less likely choices as they have a different cultural context for household chores. That leaves us with the remaining options, USA and Nicaragua.

Considering the Spanish names of the characters, the dialogue could be indicating a Spanish-speaking country. Both the USA and Nicaragua have Spanish-speaking populations, but based on the limited information provided, it is difficult to determine which of the two countries it could be.

Therefore, we cannot determine the exact country based on the given dialogue. The correct answer would be:

E. It is not possible to determine the country based on the given information.