1. As a result of the French and Indian War, claimed all land west of the Mississippi River, and gained control of all land east of it.

O Indians; Britain
O Spain; France
O France, Indians
O Spain; Britain

It’s a Unit Test and it have 20 questions.

If you are in connexus and this is the Road to Independence Unit test, I got u :D

1.Spain: Britain
2. Americans at the Battle of concord
3.the Salt Act
4. Sending representatives to the First Continental Congress
5. Representatives from all parts of South Carolina met for the first time
6.Loyalists supported the Continental Congress
7. The colonies could not live as separate colonies
8.to Warn the colonies to join together or be conquered
9.Patriots outnumbered loyalists in South Carolina
10.Rebecca Motte's family
11.Sullivan's Island
12. General Gates was soundly defeated
13.has two parts, or houses
14. Provincial Congress
15. the Battle of kings Mountain
16.John Rutledge
17.a siege
18.The south carolina Constitution of 1776
19.South Carolina
20.the state leader would be a governor, not a president
instagram:username21026 Nintendo 3ds friend code:3368-1070-7267. Wii U friend ID: meeeo55
see ya later :D
☠️☠️☠️ skull it up for saying thank you ☠️☠️☠️

It was right ignore me. 100%

Which unit test is it? I might be able to help.


Aye "No :)" you better be right bro... Cuz im tellin you right now..

The correct answer to the question is: O Spain; France

To determine this, let's review the historical context. The French and Indian War, which took place from 1754 to 1763, was a conflict between the French and British over control of North America. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763.

According to the terms of the Treaty of Paris, France lost all its territories in North America, including Canada, and transferred control of the Louisiana Territory to Spain. Consequently, Spain gained all land west of the Mississippi River, while Britain gained control of all land east of the river.

Therefore, the correct answer is that Spain gained control of all land west of the Mississippi River, and France lost its territories to Spain due to the French and Indian War.