which is one characteristic of this students work

1.) A = creation of 3D art

2.) D = include only a few images of the same type of drawing to show dedication to craft

3.) C = drawings of the entire body and face

Chris Pratt Mario Og ( LMAO ) is right !! (For connexus ! ) I got an 100% uwu


bruh i got a 0 -_-

To determine one characteristic of a student's work, you can follow these steps:

1. Review the student's work: Start by thoroughly examining the student's work, whether it's an assignment, project, essay, or any other piece of work they have submitted.

2. Look for patterns: Identify any recurring elements or themes in the student's work. Consider aspects such as style, organization, content, creativity, and consistency.

3. Check for clarity: Assess the clarity and coherence of the student's work. Pay attention to how well their ideas are articulated, if the writing is concise and logical, and if they effectively communicate their message.

4. Analyze quality: Evaluate the overall quality of the work. Consider factors like accuracy, depth of analysis, level of understanding, evidence of critical thinking, and attention to detail.

5. Assess originality: Determine if the student's work demonstrates originality or unique perspectives. Look for signs of creativity, innovative ideas, and personal insights that set their work apart from others.

6. Consider feedback: Review any feedback or comments given to the student by teachers or peers. See if the student has incorporated any suggestions or improvements over time.

By following these steps, you can identify and describe one characteristic of a student's work based on your observations and analysis.