George and Garland grew up in the same home and environment yet they both seem to have very different feelings about school. What are some of the unique obstacles each brother might have to overcome? Cite specific evidence from the excerpt to support your inferences.

To identify the unique obstacles that George and Garland might have to overcome with respect to their different feelings about school, we need to examine the specific evidence provided in the excerpt. Unfortunately, you have not provided an excerpt or any specific information about George and Garland, making it challenging to give a thorough analysis. However, I can offer a generalized approach to identify the obstacles that individuals might face based on differences in their feelings about school.

1. Learning styles and preferences: Different individuals have diverse learning styles and preferences. One brother might be a visual learner who thrives on visual aids and demonstrations, while the other might be an auditory learner who benefits from verbal explanations. If their teachers predominantly cater to one learning style and neglect the other, it can create obstacles for the brothers' engagement and interest in school.

2. Individual interests and passions: George and Garland might have varying interests and passions, which can impact their attitudes towards school. If the curriculum or subjects being taught do not align with their individual interests, it can lead to disengagement and a lack of motivation. For example, if one brother has a keen interest in science but has limited exposure to it in the school's curriculum, it may hinder his enthusiasm for learning.

3. Peer pressure and social dynamics: School environments often involve social dynamics and peer pressure that can influence students' feelings about school. If one brother is facing bullying or exclusion from certain social groups, it can have a negative impact on his overall experience and perception of school. Conversely, if the other brother has a positive social circle and feels accepted, it may contribute to his positive attitude towards school.

4. Personal strengths and weaknesses: Every individual has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. If one brother consistently struggles with a specific subject or skill, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. On the other hand, if the other brother excels in a particular area, it may boost his confidence and overall attitude towards school.

Without the specific information about George and Garland, it is difficult to provide direct evidence from the excerpt. However, by considering these general factors, we can begin to understand the potential obstacles that the brothers might encounter, leading to their different feelings about school.