Which artists produced work during the italian renaissance?

During the Italian Renaissance, several prominent artists emerged and made significant contributions to the artistic movement. Some of the well-known artists who produced work during this period include:

1. Leonardo da Vinci: Leonardo da Vinci was a polymath who excelled in several fields, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and science. His notable artworks include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

2. Michelangelo Buonarroti: Michelangelo was a sculptor, painter, architect, and poet. He created iconic works like the statue of David and the ceiling frescoes of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City.

3. Raphael Sanzio: Raphael was a talented painter and architect. He produced numerous paintings, including the famous School of Athens and The Sistine Madonna.

4. Sandro Botticelli: Botticelli was best known for his mythological paintings, such as The Birth of Venus and Primavera.

5. Donatello: Donatello was a sculptor who created remarkable works in bronze, marble, and wood. His works include the Bronze David and the Magdalene Penitent.

6. Titian: Tiziano Vecellio, commonly known as Titian, was a highly influential painter known for his mastery of color and brushwork. Notable works by Titian include Bacchus and Ariadne and Assumption of the Virgin.

These artists and many others contributed to the flourishing art scene during the Italian Renaissance. Their artworks reflected the period's focus on humanism, naturalism, and perspective, marking a significant shift from the artistic style of the Middle Ages.